Azure Sentinel – Microsoft first MSSP’s event in ILDC

Hi, I’m Saggie, a Cloud Security Solution Director, a blogger and tech trainer. My experience in Microsoft systems, Security, Monitoring and, Networking help me design better projects and solutions.

I’m motivated by my passion for troubleshooting and Powershell. Eager to keep learning every day. Improving my skill sets to better understand the constraints in every project or the challenges I face every day.

My hunger for knowledge and love of challenges, helped me build and execute the Enterprise Monitoring solution in Elbit systems. Where we implemented the Microsoft SCOM, monitored the entire company. This project helped raise the total uptime of the businesses applications. And to find to the root cause for common issues. I also led the troubleshooting team in the company. Helped developers and systems admins find the cause of performance and malfunction issues.

Meanwhile, I vastly improved the security and productivity of Lumenis LTD IT. Planning and implementing vast projects as changing the entire networking. moving from flat network to full segmentation and implementing Aruba latest Wireless, Switches and NAC solutions supporting 802.1X and GRE Tunneling. Doing a complete overview of the enterprise domain environment, and providing automation solutions such as User-Life Cycle events and more.

These days I teach at CyberControl Academy about Operation systems, Networking, and Security Fundamentals. Working at CyberProof, and writing about IT in my blog.

Aruba ClearPass workshop

Hope you enjoy my blogging! Feel free to Contact me